Our Unification VOTE Tally was held on October 17th.
See Results Below
Published on: October 18, 2019
Local 1 Will Unify With AFSCME Council 57
The members have spoken! With over 92% YES votes, Public Employees Union/AFSCME Local 1 members have voted overwhelmingly to unify with AFSCME Council 57. This historic unification will blend two strong unions to become a more powerful organization to continue fighting and winning the dignity, respect, and improvements for all AFSCME members in Northern California and the Central Valley.
Quote from Local 1 President, Winston Ingram: “There is strength in numbers and Local 1 members have gained more strength and the ability to continue winning dignity, respect, and improvements for all public service workers by teaming up with the 28,000 members from AFSCME Council 57.”
LOCAL #1!!!

Published on: September 17, 2019
Council 57 & PEU/AFSCME Local 1 Unification
What Is Happening?
Public Employees Union/AFSCME Local 1 may be joining together with AFSCME Council 57 in a historic unification that will blend two strong unions to become a more powerful union for all AFSCME members in Northern California and the Central Valley.
Why Unify Now?
In the wake of attacks on working families, PEU/AFSCME Local 1 has been a thriving union serving members in Contra Costa, El Dorado, Merced, Sutter, and Yuba counties. However, by joining AFSCME Council 57, members and staff will now gain more strength and the ability to continue fighting and winning dignity, respect, and improvements for public service workers.
Who is Council 57?
AFSCME Council 57 is comprised of 23 autonomous local unions representing 28,000+ members throughout Northern California and the Central Valley. Established in 1963, the Council is member-driven labor organization dedicated to empowering and securing dignity and respect for all workers by improving wages, benefits and working conditions through organizing, collective bargaining and political action.
AFSCME Council 57 represents workers in schools and community colleges, transit agencies, public works and services, clinics and hospitals, health and social service professionals in corrections facilities, and water and wastewater facilities across California.
What Are the Benefits of Unification?
By unifying with AFSCME Council 57, AFSCME PEU/Local 1 members and staff will gain:
Autonomy – Though PEU, Local 1 will join AFSCME Council 57, Local 1 will retain its identity and maintain their own governance. Additionally, immediately after unifying, PEU/AFSCME Local 1 will gain two seats on the AFSCME Council 57 board to have a say in the direction of the council.
Increased Member Power –Joining in the collective strength of 28,000+ public sector employees from 23 autonomous local unions in AFSCME Council 57, PEU, Local 1 will become part of a stronger and more influential group member base.
Greater Resources – Historically, PEU/AFSCME Local 1 has been able to access specific resources through AFSCME International. Now, PEU/AFSCME Local 1 members and staff will be able to access the resources, training, and professional services such as an organizing director, more staff training, experienced negotiators needed to continue winning greater respect and workplace improvements for all public employees, and a dedicated political director from a council that is local, understands our membership, and their issues.
Bargaining Power – Due to overlapping geographic area, PEU/AFSCME Local 1 will obtain an increase of bargaining power in some areas.
Lower Dues – Even though PEU/AFSCME Local 1 members will gain many benefits from the unification, membership dues will be reduced.
Legislative Action – Since 1963, AFSCME Council 57 has been mobilizing workers to participate in the political process and supports legislation that raises the awareness and advocates for issues that impact working families.
When will this happen?
Thus far, the vote to decide to unify will take place in October 2019. Details to follow.
Next Steps/What is the process?
EDCEA/AFSCME Local 1 leaders and staff will be conducting lunch and learns 3 times a week to discuss the process and timeline of the unification.
Unification Flyer: Unification Flyer
Unification Slide Show: Unification Slidehow